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Reviewed by
Member since April 2010, Total Reviews: 1 (Male, born in 1958, Richfield, NC)
At first (2 years ago) this was a wonderful place. But now, it has been gathering undesirables -- too drunk, pick fights, etc. The management, Karen T. can't stop talking to her cheating boyfriend and will throw you out if you call her on it. In the past 12 months, I spent an average of $400.00+ per month just at the bar. As of 4/21/2010 I will not patronize this restaurant. I have contacted the national head honchos, but as of yet, no response. I don't realize how the real and opportunity cost being over $4,800 per year, plus the negative referrals I've dished out the past week and for weeks to come, can be an insignificant indication that General Management needs to focus on what got her to the position she holds and stop sucking up to the patrons who do nothing but change the friendly, family-oriented environment that made this location a very good place to enjoy oneself. One last thing: I routinely tipped well over 20%; many times it was in the healthy 30% range.